I have done a cleanse before it was wonderful!!! I put my husband and older daughters on it and they experienced great results. My 14 yr old used to suffer from terrible allergies and asthma but after her cleanse her allergies are cut back by at least 85% and her asthma is completely cured!!!
This is my all time favorite cleanse. Everyone I have ever suggested take it raves about it as well. If you think you have done a colon cleanse but it was not that great...do yourself a favor and try this one.... www.cleansethatcolon.com
Hi-I am very interested in what cleansing you used-I would like to do one-I have never done one before-I tried to access the site you listed-cleansethatcolon.com but can't find it-Also what is the name of the cleanse above-it is to small for me to see-Congrats on your weight loss! You look great!
North Carolina