Wednesday, December 31, 2008


What we eat is within our control, yet the act ties us to the economic, political, and ecological order of the whole planet. Even an apparently small change- consciously choosing a diet that is good for both our bodies and the earth- can lead to a series of choices that transform our whole lives. -Lapp
This quote really hit me because this is just what happened to me.
About 5 yrs ago I was visiting a friends home. Our family had just bought our first chicks. I was thinking in terms of virtually free eggs for our 7 kids. So, we are sitting around talking chickens and eggs when Sue Mead says, "Do you know what happens to male chicks?" I said, "No and I really don't want to". She proceeds to tell me how they are tossed into garbage bags and left to die because in the world of factory farming, they are of no value. This was so disturbing to me that I went home and looked it up on the Internet.
From there I decided to avoid factory farming where I could.
(here is a link about factory farming if you are interested... )
We started with our back yard hens. This kept us from buying factory farmed eggs. That lead to more factory milk or yogurt. Then we bought a calf. That was the end of factory farmed meat. After that we got into organics and fair trade products and after several years in such close contact with our meat source, a few of us went vegetarian.

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