Saturday, January 3, 2009


Here it is.....My newest thing. TaeBo!

Now, over the years I have every imaginable arobics tape. Then this last year Vayda got me into Yoga. I really like that. Vayda too is the one that started this TaeBo thing. She has wanted to try TaeBo for about a year. We kept Freecycling for a tape with no luck. Then the other day, Maya went on a play date and the mom, Donna, generously offered us a big box of tapes and DVDs. In there were 3 TaeBo videos! Vaday jumped right on the TaeBo DVD.
It looked so fun I am workin it now.
Here I am on day two. I have to say that I was so sore from day one that I had to take a hot shower before working out just to get my muscles to move at all. OUCH!
Yeah baby- now thats!
Oh- Lord above! I may not survive this insanity!
Ok- so I did survive day two and actually made it through day 3.
Today is day 4 and I can walk again :)

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